Tuesday 22 November 2011

Wiki activity for practice quiz

This is currently week four and while I am working through the content for this week I thought I would also now try the other wiki activity set for us. This was to complete a practice quiz on the moodle course wiki page in preparation for assessment task one - completing two quizzes -.

I have chosen to wait until now to complete this wiki task as I wanted to gather some more information from the course with the information learned from the past few weeks to enhance my knowledge of pedagogies and learning tools.

Again as with my first experience with using wiki for the mobile phone task; I found wikispaces to be a valuable tool for a classroom. Whether that class is digital as ours is or in a classroom where the task to be completed requires all students to supply information to the final outcome, wikispaces is a valuable tool to have.

In doing this task, I was able to look at other students choices for answers to the questions given and then look at their reasoning given for that answer below their choice. It has been very informative to see how others have come up with answers that I agree/disagree with and how they came to their conclusions in a different/similar way to my thinking. It has helped me to understand areas of the questions I was not sure of; or just of another way I could think about it that made finding the answer easier for myself.

Using wikispace made this an easy task to do with using the edit feature, I was able to highlight my answer and then below the answer choices, give my reasoning for my answer selection in a different text colour so others reading the page can differentiate between my entries and the original page content.

After using wikispaces again for this scaffolded task for the course - which is different again to how I am using it to make my own wikispace - I am again finding myself in the definite affirmative to use wikispaces within the classroom for tasks that require collaborative learning and information collection to take place. Doing so would allow me to work ICT use in to the class and allow a freedom of expression for the students in how they answer the task requirements. It would also provide engagement for the students in using a resource in the classroom - the computer and the Internet - that they ask to use more often anyway.

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