Wednesday 30 November 2011

Digital Tool Try Outs

This week while finishing off week four work, I have been trying out all new types of programs and free sites, to try out some new digital tools. So instead of a whole lot of writing again, here is just some example of what I have done. None of it is intensely scholarly just some fun with images and things I have on my computer.

Here is a Blabberize attempt I have done. It is a lot of fun to do and something students of all year levels would be easily engaged in. Easy to use, fun and can deliver some funny outcomes.

Here is a Voki that I have made, again it is just a quick talk to get it to work and see its' value in a classroom. Voki also has a classroom available to use and is free, it is a great way to engage students.

I have also done a Moviemaker video using my images from a holiday. This would be great to use when students have been on an excursion. If it was recorded it can then be made into a film with voice overs, music and the like for a presentation.

Another useful program to make movies or a picture show type file is to use Photostory. It could be used the same sort of ways that Movimaker is used. Here is one I have made with some images from my computer of a Medieval Festival I went to:

Here is a podOmatic podcast episode I have done:

The podOmatic site is a great resource as it is free and easy to use. It could be used for recording instructions and steps or a class and then posted for students to access at home or at school. Students could also use the podOmatic site to create there own pods casts with recordings and pictures and files to present an assessment task or in class task. It is a resource that would work perfectly with all the digit tools of iPods and the like that most students have access to at home and at school.

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