Sunday 13 November 2011

Essential post - Mobile Phone Wiki

The task for week two of; entering into and then adding information to the Mobile Phone Wiki, was a new experience for me. I thought it was a good way to be able to scaffold a question to a class and allow answering to take place in a way that students would not feel threatened. The use of de Bono's Hats to do the scaffolding was an excellent choice to steer each studetns thinking in different ways. If you have never hear of the thinking hats here is a concept may illustration I have come across that helps to uderstand de Bono's Six Thinking Hats:

Retrieved from:

As a student you were able to access the site, look at the questions and also to research the thinking hats if you had no previous exposure to them. Then the student was able to look at and think about other students' responses and relate them to their own ideas and theories. Once this was done a student is able to edit the page and add their own ideas, thoughts and concepts and theories.

I think this type of learning exercise covers all the learning theories that we have looked at for week one: behaviourism, constructivism, cognitivism and connectivism. I believe it covered all the learning theories; as depending on what thinking hat was used to approach the questions asked, all or some of the theories were used. This is an excellent way to be able to provide a task for students to do, that will allow all learning styles/theories to be employed.

I also noticed that Bloom's Taxonomy and TPACK pedagogies  learnt about in week two, could be applied to this task as;  it required us to use Bloom's higher order thinking in selecting and using a thinking hat to answer the question. It also uses the TPACK pedagogy by using the Internet and wiki spaces as medium for the students to supplied their ideas, concepts and theories, to the digital class.

This to me was a very effective way to use scaffolding questioning in a class while still using ICTs. It was an exercise that everyone would be able to do as it is straight-forward and does not need a huge amount of technical know how to do. It is also a great way to engage students who may not feel confident enough to answer questions in the classroom with everyone looking at them. This type of learning allows a student to think through their answers and find more information if needed, look at others responses and answer in a more confident manner.

The scaffolding used supported a range of perspectives in a class as, it provided the student with the concept of De Bono's Thinking Hats. Here is a YouTube clip of Dr de Bono talking about the Six Thinking Hats:

Retrieved frokm:

Using this scaffold for the questions required me and other students to think through the questions being asked in a different manner then we might have without the scaffolding there. Therefore it makes anyone participating the task think differently and come up with many different ideas, concepts and theories regarding their answers. It is a technique I would use in a class to get them all thinking in different ways.

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