Sunday 6 November 2011

Optional - Learning Theories

This is the last of the reading for week 1 of managing e-learning and was very interesting. There are many types of learning theories relating to many learning styles. It is hard to just pin it all down to using just one, as each person is different and requires different styles to help them learn.
The connectivism theory is a great read as most students or teenager if you talk to them; do not see the merit of memorising information like we 'older' people feel you have to, to learn. Most teenagers will tell you it is not necessary to remember everything because you can just use your phone, tablet, laptop, iPod/iPhone - the list is endless - to access any and all information you need, at any time you need it. This attitude (belief) makes it hard for teachers to get across the message that there are times when you will need the information in your brain not in icloud to use. I believe that teachers should encourage the use of ICTs for gathering, using and presenting information within the classroom; however, it is vital that the teacher also help the students to learn the what, how, when and who of the information available online. There is so much information available and alot of it is not usable or at least not to be trusted. Some information such as this blogg is more opinions based on readings but not actual documents used. Therefore students need to be taught how to identify information that can be used and how to find and check any information.
ICTs are everywhere and being used more and more, we as teachers need to start not only allowing students to use them but also teaching them how to access all that information at their fingertips and use it properly and dismiss the junk.

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