Wednesday 23 November 2011

Week four image manipulation

So far for this weeks tasks I have done the photo resizing which I can see as being extremely helpful when uploading photos to the web. This is because most of the time websites will only allow a certain size as in dimensions, or size as in bytes to be uploaded. The Mobaphoto software program is extremely easy to use and effective as it can also batch manipulate photos saving time. Batch editing would help in the classroom when it is necessary to upload a lot of images possibly from the entire class.
Here is an example of using MobaPhoto on an image from my computer of my daughter and nephew playing dress-ups:
(I have permission from myself and my sister-in-law to use these images).

Original size photo

Resized Image

Covered again this week as it is important, is the copyright problem faced when working with students. I suggest it best to allow the teacher to have final say and look before anything is used or uploaded to try to stop any un/intentional use of images, videos etc. A way to do this is to let the students know that no one is allows to save work and log off until their work has been okayed by the teacher, I have seen this used in a classroom and it does work. It also allows for feedback and questions before the end of the lesson, it just has to be planned in time wise by the teacher. A quick easy read of what a teacher can do in a classroom using multimedia is available at:

I have also joined Flickr - an online image sharing site - and Picnik - an online image manipulation site - both sites where easy to join and are free which is always helpful.

Flickr allows the member to be able to upload images that can then be viewed by people who search for content or by specifically allowed persons. There is a lot of security settings that can be changed such as; who is allowed to view the images, if third party sites can have access and also the copyright level for your images. These security setting are excellent for a teacher to have access to, as it allows a teacher to use Flickr in the classroom without having to worry about copyright and potential threats to the images, with setting the security levels appropriately. Flickr can be used as a great resource in the classroom allowing for the storage, sharing and finding of images and videos online; whether for students work, assessment presentation or research of appropriate imagery for class tasks.

Tag Galaxy is an option available to search Flickr for images. I believe it is an amazing resource to use in a classroom as it would engage students with just the look of it and also allow for easy searching of images through tags.

Picnik is another site that is easy to use with large tabs that allow the member to be able to edit images with ease. The selections are straight forward and popup boxes allow you to further manipulate the image with the tool selected. Other things such as text and stickers can be added to the images. Once the image is completed   it is easily saved and can be sent to a Flickr, Facebook or email site allowing an easy share option for the images. Picnik is a great resource to use in the classroom as it could be easily used by every year level and any ability level. It is definitely easier to use then Photoshop even if it doesn't really allow for the same amount of freedom in image manipulation. It could be used by students to edit photos they have taken themselves or from images straight from Picnik or Flickr that are to be used in a task presentation.

Here is a link to a picture I have uploaded to Picnik and manipulate and then sent to Flickr:
I didn't do to much to it just fiddled with some filters, stickers and a couple of other options. The original is also on my Flickr pages so if you would like to see it just click the older button till you see it.

Another tool I am familar with is Photoshop. Here is a couple of images I have made or manipulated with the program. All the images where copyright free and ones I have taught to a class.

Animated buttons

Water reflections

Where I only stated with this image:
Image and tutorial to make the final image can be found at:

Text styles

Adding colour

Started with this image I took of my daughter after she got her face painted.

Aagin starting image I took (I gave myself permisson to use these photos)

Added some colour to complete her look.

So far the use of the online sites and other programs listed in our course material this week; as well as other programs I have used before for photo manipulation such as Photshop, Illustrator and the like; as well as the photo re-size software and sites like Flickr; all definitely fall into the TPACK pedagogical style/theory.

This is because it follows the technology pedagogy and as long as the teacher knows how to use the above websites and programs they will be using it falls into to use of the TPACK theory. By using theses types of multimedia the teacher could also employ the Dimensions of Learning for example to; ensure the students are able to understand how to create a safe learning environment for themselves and their peers. Bloom's taxonomy can be used to create a task that would require higher order thinking, for example; in how to create and use different multimedia tools to create an end product and also a way that it could be presented in an engaging way. Also the teacher could employ De Bono's Thinking Hats to scaffold the questions and to look at the advantages and disadvantages of using some of the multimedia available to the students in regards to what is being asked of them. Also the Habits of Mind can be used depending on the task such as Striving for Accuracy in using the programs to get the desired outcome.

iPods and iPads allow for more freedom and/or expression and movement to learn.

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