Tuesday 1 November 2011

Optional Post - 21st Century Learners

Just read the info and extra readings on the new learners that we will be faced with in modern classrooms.
I thought it was very interesting and could see a lot of what was spoken about happening in classrooms. Students now-a-days have been born into technology and are definitely 'natives'. They understand, see and speak differently to other generations.
This course is an excellent learning place for us in that we can understand the technology around us and different ways that we could use it to engage our students.
The article on engage or enrage was very interesting. I can see students now not paying attention in class; not doing homework etc and generally find school boring and difficult. Those students if we as teachers would listen, are trying to tell us to catch up to them in technology and use what we as the 'teachers and adults' have access to; to engage and challenge them and give them exciting and different challenges in their educational journeys.
As a person in the education sector it is vital to be a Life Long Learner to be able to give any student I teach the best information and delivery of that information I can. Therefore training myself to become a 'native' would help both myself, students and the future state of the world they need to run and look after.

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