Sunday 30 October 2011

Optional post - My learning style

Doing the Felder and Solomon (online questionnaire) my results show me that I am a balanced learner having gotten a score level of between 1 and 3 for each of the learning styles. This is what I expected as I have always been able to learn information no matter the subject or the teacher by just following myself and how I best understood the material. Once I worked out how I best understood the new material I stuck with that strategy.

The test itself is pretty accurate. However to be completely accurate it would require a lot more questions and probably some small tests on acquiring small amounts of information in different ways to see which method was the best way you retained the new information. This sort of test would be a long test and difficult to implement unless the person was willing to spend the time and effort to complete it. A teacher however would benefit from a more in depth learning style test to profile their students and learn the best way to help them learn.

Online learning design can be beneficial to students. At a school where I have done EPL, the students where asked to actively participate in the learning design process using the schools oneschool-onenote online program. The end result of this was that the students paid more attention in class, completed in class and homework tasks and successfully completed assessment tasks to a higher grade level then they have in other subject areas. Also allowing the students to access task information online was a huge help since they spend most of their time online doing social media. It allowed them to complete school work while feeling that they were able to still do what they want.

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