Sunday 30 October 2011

Learning Styles

1.    My learning style is a mixture of the main three - audio, visual and kinasthetic.
It depends on what I am learning about and if I have any prior knowledge of the subject to then use which learning style I need to absorb the new information.
I am able to learn in nearly any learning experience I am exposed to, again I just have to find a way to apply information I already have to a new situation and then learn, learn and learn some more.
2.    Within a classroom whenever possible I would allow all students access the verbal instruction I would give, while writing the instructions on the board at the same time. Also allowing any students who need to write those instructions down on a note pad or in their book to follow when they need. In the body of a lesson I would try to ensure making different activities for students to do or, be flexible and allow students to complete set tasks in a way they find most beneficial to themselves. Obviously profiling of the students and setting up time at the beginning of the term or year to work out the best ways for students complete tasks will help lessons to flow better later in the term and year.
3.      My current ICT knowledge would allow students to access the electronic white boards, computers, ipod touches and ipads as well as websites and programs that would allow students in the class to access programs or ICTs that will help them to understand the tasks or to express themselves in a better way. Also ICTs can be used extremely well within the Habits of Mind and Blooms taxonomy easily within lessons.
4.     I would in the classroom depending on the age level ask students to access websites with learning style quizzes that way I am able to find out their level of computer knowledge and skill level in using the ICT and then have the results from the quizzes to aid in learning about the student. Also just doing class discussions or using websites such as in class discussions can be an easy way to gather knowledge. Specific questions can sometimes stop a student from giving a helpful answer as some students might be trying to play the 'guess what is in the teachers head' game in fear of being wrong. Whereas using a class discussion on the topic/subject can put students at ease and allow them to reach for their own ideas and knowledge to share.
5.    ICT can be used to support all learning styles such as having an audio file of the instructions available for students to listen to, or having a video tutorial to help students who might have trouble following at the same speed as other students. Many of the games or programs that can be accessed will help some students to feel more confident to complete tasks. Lastly having a projection of the teachers computer (where able to depending on subject) can allow the teacher to go through tasks step by step on the projection while the students follow along doing this supports audio, visual and kinasthetic learning styles all at the same time.

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