Tuesday 3 January 2012

Week 7 SlideShare work

Here is my PowerPoint presentation of the life cycle of the butterfly. It is not a topic covered by my computers discipline but it was something easy to do I thought of. This was made in PowerPoint utilising Mouse Mischief add-on for some of the slides then uploaded to SlideShare and then embedded here.

Life cycle of a butterfly
View more presentations from amyd32.

The next step of the task was to upload an mp3 file of a narration of the presentation and sync it to the presentation in slideshare and then embed that also. However, I have spent the last 3 hours recording, converting and trying to upload and no matter how or with what program I convert the audio file with it will not upload and slideshare will not recognise the formats mp3 or otherwise.

Therefore there is only the above presentation and not the extra on with commentary.

This process though frustrating with the audio side of things not working was a good experience and one that requires the use of Bloom's Taxonomy to complete the task as, higher order thinking is needed to understand and complete the steps required to complete the upload and use of this site with PowerPoint. This type of task set up can also fall in to the TPACK pedagogy for the teacher to learn about and understand this technology before getting students to complete tasks.

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