Tuesday 17 January 2012

Digital Story Telling

Digital story telling is an amazing resource to have in a classroom. It allows teachers to gather a lot of information in one place and have it set in an engaging and fun format for students to access.

There are many places that can be used to make a digital story such as: - Photostory, Microsoft excel, moviemaker, Powerpoint and many others.

It is also a great resource for the students to use to present and give understanding to others about their learning. It offers them another outlet that can be manipulated in different ways to get their message across.

Here is an example I had created earlier using Photostory:

It is also important to keep up contact with people in the education fields and if in teaching in a high-school perhaps in your discipline area. Here are some links to contact and information from our moodle site, all of these are places I have gone already or come access wohile searching for information for this course:
Stephen's Web
eSchool News
Microsoft Education
The Learning Place
education.au Blog
Leigh Blackall's old Blog
Leigh Blackall's new Blog
Leigh Blackall's Latest Blog
The Learning Federation
Some other resource places are:
Learning Place
ICT Pedagogical Licence
Smart Classrooms Professional Development Framework 

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