Tuesday 6 December 2011

Group three and four technologies

For week 5 content we had to look at some more technologies that can be used in a classroom. The technologies looked at were Powerpoint, Globster, Prezi, Google Earth and some others.

This week there was alot of content to look at and though I did look at them all I have not been able to go into using them all fully. I have been having some trouble with my ankle this past week or so and have not been able to do as much as I would have liked.

Even so the technologies covered this week have been great to explore. I have realised that there are many technologies that I could show to students in order for them to learn new applications and techniques in utilising the technoloigies to express themselves in different ways.

The technologies looked at this week and the past few weeks have opened my eyes to the many experiences that I could work into lesson plans to give students more ways to access new information, learn from it and express themselves. The technologies offer many ways for students to express themselves in class tasks or assessments that print and writing do not allow for.

Students can now get their opinions, ideas, thoughts and knowledge across in so many ways using so many different kinds of media. Allowing students to do this would give them opportunities to get their thoughts across using images and animations; or sound and voice overs and a combination of other medias in a way that helps to express themselves that normal methods would not allow or that they may struggle to use to get their ideas across with.

One of the technologies I used this week was Powerpoint. I have used this program many times throughout my schooling, and have viewed many Powerpoint presentations. It is an easy to use program and can be used in many ways other than I have already done. One way is to create a whole lesson using it; including the use of images, videos and text. Another great tool for use with Powerpoint is the Mouse Mischief add-on that allows for interaction with students as a class. It is a great resource to use and is free and easy to embed into lessons.
I have also joined Slideshow which is a site that allows for the upload of Powerpoints and for them to be shared and even embedded into other sites like this blog that nornally you can not do. Here is the Powerpoint I created, again it is nothing spectacular and I only used some of the features not all that are available to use:

Powerpoint is a great resource for the classroom for both teachers and students. It is easy to use and allows for multimedia input into the presentations.

There are many rules for using Powerpoint to engage the audience it is directed at, as well as steps to ensure the presentation flows smoothly. Though many people have uploaded the rules of Powerpoint to the internet my favourite has alwasy been the following YouTube clip:


Another presentation type technology looked at was the Prezi. This is another great resource not just for students to express themselves but for the teachers to use to impart information on a subject. It is easy to use also and is fun to watch, although sometimes can induce a travel sickness. Here is a Prezi presentation I have created:

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