Monday 14 November 2011

Potential of Blogs in teaching.

First task for week three is to create a SWOT analysis about the potential of using blogs in teaching.

I guess the first thing to do is explain what a SWOT is:

SWOT is the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
And is used to analyse thoughts, knowledge and ideas someone has about a topic.

To do this I searched for a good, free online site to complete and post my SWOT on this subject. In my searches I came across this website

This website is a great resource as it explains all about what a SWOT is and how to do them. There is also a tab to click on that will allow you to create your own SWOT and keep it on the site to allows other to contribute to your ideas. The bases of all WIKI pages.

If you go to the tab of Free SWOTs you find mine (Amy's E - Learning Potential of Blogs in teaching)  but here is the link anyway:

I decided to do my SWOT this way as we are learning about wikispaces within this course and thought it would be good to continue my use and learning of this online information sharing medium.

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